This photo project is a continuation of our first with Floris the knife maker, delving deeper into his relationship with his sibling Oliver, a painter. The brothers live in the small town of Hoogcruts in The Netherlands, where not many people their age reside. This intimate understanding of each other is reflected in their shared passion for the arts, as Floris crafts knives and Oliver paints. In addition to their shared passion for the arts, Floris and Oliver are also both building tiny houses on carts on land where an old monastery stands. They aim to build a small community of people who can come and go, creating an environment where different disciplines can support each other and a natural flow of creating can occur. Floris describes the location as a place "where multiple small spaces, each supporting the full spectrum but dedicated to their own fundamental term, are brought together." The goal is not to create a set community where these disciplines are practiced by a non-changing group of people, but rather to allow people to come and go, to "let interested, possibly receptive, taste all of this so they can be put back into the 'normal' world with now another perspective." The brothers hope to introduce an important conversation and make people wonder how they can start changing and molding their own reality. Through a series of portraits and candid shots, we will capture the dynamic between the two brothers as they work in their respective mediums, as well as their shared creative process and the unique bond between the brothers and the ways in which their art is intertwined with their relationship.